Synchronicities, 2023 | Video (color, silent) | 1920 x 1080 | 12-15 mins

Sara Ludy’s “Synchronicities” plays with the idea of a collective psychic and visual space, and explores the aesthetics and materials of ephemerality. Collectors are invited to pick from a list of 100 time codes to mint an NFT corresponding to a clip from a 24-hour video shot by the artist, without having seen the video clip itself. The act of collecting, usually tied to an aesthetic choice, is thereby linked to a moment that intuitively resonates with collectors from afar, becoming a “remote viewing” exercise. As the time codes are minted, the matching video clips are positioned chronologically on a 4x6 grid corresponding to the 24 hours of the video, forming a structure resembling a multi-dimensional cube and viewable on a website. Collecting and minting the video clips thereby becomes a process of collectively revealing the unseen. The full-length video recorded by the artist over the course of 24 hours is a still-life scene subtly changing over time and involving appearing and disappearing ephemera in a cube-like environment. In Ludy’s project, synchronicity emerges on various levels: as an alignment of ephemeral “objects” over the time frame of a day and of transient moments imagined by collectors, as well as a temporal and visual space collectively constructed by a group of collectors.

Project Link:

Exhibition Link: “Chain Reaction”, curated by Christiane Paul for Feral File.